
Tristan and Tuta's wedding day: me,
my aunt Norma, Greg, Naomi, Tristan,
Tuta and Pam

Picnic at Gaby's house: with Tuta and Gaby

My cousin Owen

My younger brother Alex

At Tuta's birthday lunch (Tristan's wife): 
Tristan, my aunt Pam

My cousin Yvette and Ariel

My cousin Tristan, rock climbing 
in the Grampians, Victoria

Hiking in Tasmania

The girlroos, with mum

Mum and Ellie

My gorgeous nephew and niece, 
Ariel and Ellie

My sister Gaby in the gardens at my work,

My grandmother Peggy, Dad's mum

Dinner in the city: Gaby, Dad, Carlos, 
Sari, Greg, Naomi and Alex

With mum and dad - Sandy and Phil - 
 at their home